Playing with the band

The Adur Concert Band is an adult group and welcomes new members of age 18 and over. We have players of all standards although those who have not reached grade 5 standard may find the music challenging.

We play a stimulating range of music, including show and film themes, popular standards and special concert band arrangements.

The band performs regularly throughout the year (see our Concerts page), and travels away for weekends in the UK and Europe to perform. We also host or take part in band weekends away, to develop music skills, relax and have fun.

If you would like to join us, email our musical director Andy Burchfield or call on 01444 400618 / 07971 238290.


We rehearse every Saturday morning in term times, from 10:00am until 12:15pm, at Southwick Methodist Church unless shown otherwise.

Summer 2024

Rehearsals resume Saturday 13 April, weekly
No rehearsal 1 June
No rehearsal 27 July
Last rehearsal Summer term: August 10

What do we play?

Sharing the music in Steenbergen

Sharing the music in Steenbergen

The band plays from a wide range of genres including classical, show tunes, film soundtracks and traditional songs.

Does it cost anything?

The Adur Concert Band is a self-funding organisation, and as such members pay subscriptions towards running costs. Currently subscriptions are £30 per term.